Thursday 14 March 2013

Photoshoot - Lost in Transit

Recently, I had the pleasure of helping a friend of mine on his musical journey by photographing the shots for the release of his first album. Below you can find some of the many photos taken and a link to his page where you can sample his music. His name is Edd Coates and the album is entitled 'Lost in Transit." He is an extremely talented musician, his album is definitely worth a listen.


  1. Brilliant shots I love the mood of them. Hope he does well in his career.

  2. Aw...hope he does well too. I'll be sure to have a listen to his work.

    You're quite the little photographer. May bare you in mind for future book covers when we need life shots :)

  3. Some great photographs there, hope his album does well! :) We are all on some sort of creative journey, I believe, even if we don't realize it.
